Frequently Asked Questions

Before writing to me with a bug or suggestion, please check through this file, as you may find the answer to your question here.

Why am I still getting the old "digger" icon with the new version of PageInspector?

When making the transition from PageInspector 1.0b1 (or an older version), to PageInspector 1.0b2 (or a more recent version), PageInspector's new icon may not be shown until you rebuild the desktop file of you hard disk. To do this, hold down the command and option keys while starting up your Macintosh, until a dialog appears asking you if you would like to rebuild the desktop.

After scanning a file with PageInspector, I try to open the file in a text editor so that I can fix the errors, but I can't save the file in the text editor. What is happening?

PageInspector is giving itself write access to the file, which means that PageInspector only can write to the file. Other applications are able to open the file, but they won't be able to save any modifications you make to the file. If you open the file as "read only" in PageInspector, you will be able to modify the file in a text editor, but PageInspector won't be able to write to the file.

How do I scan multiple files in PageInspector?

You can scan multiple files by using an AppleScript (see the sample script "Folder Scanner" that comes with PageInspector. PageInspector will be able to scan multiple files without the need for AppleScript in the near future.

Why are there so many "spelling mistakes" in PageInspector?

I am an Australian, and so PageInspector uses standard Australian spelling, which differs slightly from standard UK-English spelling, mainly in the use of -ise where US and UK English would use -ize.

Why does the tag "<a href=">" create the error """ This is not an attribute of the "<a>" tag."?

The most likely cause of this error is not the anchor tag underlined in the Error Preview bar, but in the previous anchor tag. PageInspector 1.1 allows you to contain "<" and ">" characters in attribute data that is contained in quotes.
If you failed to close the quote for attribute data in the previous anchor tag, PageInspector will match the quote up with the next quote it finds. For example, the area shown in bold below is the text PageInspector thinks is the text of the href tag.
<a href="> Netscape's Home Page </a> <a href=">.
To fix the error, just make sure all quotes are closed before the end of the tag.

Why does PageInspector ask me for confirmation before writing a preference file?

One of my least favourite activities is cleaning out my Preferences Folder, and removing the preference files for applications that I have only tried out once. PageInspector graciously gives you the option of not creating a permanent preference file. When a new version of PageInspector is released, you may be asked if you wish to update the preference file. This allows you to go back to a previous version of PageInspector without having your preferences wiped.

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